Psychology In A Nutshell

What comes in mind when I say the word "Psychology"?

Things that can cross into your mind would be;

1. The Brain. The complexity of this crucial part of the brain is hard to understand.
How do I work? Why do I think like this? Can I rule the world ?
For example;

Why do I think Miranda Cosgrove is far prettier than Selena Gomez but my bro, Danial (names have been changed to cover the actual identities) thinks otherwise?

Why do I prefer the "downgraded" option, Pepsi over a Coke?

2. A Psychologist or a Psychiatric. There would be a person lying down while ranting on his problems while there is a smart looking person with a book and a pen jotting down notes while nodding their heads.

It is related in a way. 

IN brief,"Psychology" is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Behavior- outward or overt actions and reactions.

If someone gets in your face, do you hit them?
 Be a sailor and let loose all those "@#$%" vocabulary?
Mental processinternal, covert activity of our minds.

" Sit down on the "Thinking Chair" and think... Thiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnk! "